View: Viewpoint Relationships
Answers the question: What viewpoints are required?
The viewpoints have been grouped into two perspectives:
- Network SoS Perspective
- Information Technology System Perspective
These two perspectives provide the set of viewpoints for the IT (SoS) Archtiecture Description Framework
The viewpoints that have been identified for the Enterprise as a System of Systems (SoS) are:
- Enterprise Perspective.
- Strategy and Planning: Establishes the strategies and plans
- Value: Establishes 'what is our business?' and products and / or services based upon customer needs.
- Change. Establishes the approach to change
- Continuity Establishes the enterprise continuity in the areas of risk related to security, environmental, operational, other disruption, etc..
- Organization Establishes a view of the organizational value system and organizational roles.
- Technology Identify all of the types of technology needed for the enterprise and allocates ownership.
- Capability Perspective
- Capability Identifies capabilities and capability systems.
- Process Identifies all of the processes used within the enterprise
- People Identifies the competencies needed to realise the capabilities
- Technology Items Identifies all of the types of technology needed to support specific capabilities..
Link to Current EntSoSADF Viewpoints PDF
Link to Current EntSoSADF Model Kinds PDF
The viewpoints are based upon the underlying systems generally contained within an Enterprise as a System of Systems (SoS)