Process Design Pattern
To identify customers and create a need
To help qualify customers so they make an informed choice.
To promote the various products in ways to attract the most potential customers
- Identify Target Customer base for specific products
- Provide advertising for the product to customers
- Qualify the customers and help support their selection
- Using the Order Management Process: Deliver the order
- Forecast Sales based upon understanding the customers and the market.
- Sales Manager
- Salesperson
- Order Administration
- Advertising
- Promotion
Entry Criteria
A team contributes to the sales of current products and services.
- Promotion,
- Qualified Customer List
- Advertising
- Pricing
Process Owner
Sales Manager
This process links to the following Best Practice, External Standards and Product Standards. Links to other processes that this process may start are also indicated.
NOTE: The sales process varies with the type of business. This is just a prototype example only.