Top Management


"Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.01) at the highest level" (from ISO 9000:2015).


The 'highest level' refers to the Person or Group (Team) representing the boundary between the environment (teams outside of the scope of the Organization and the Teams inside the scope of the Organization.


This is the top team and top manager within the organisation as defined by the organisational context in the Purpose View.


This team is generally responsible for setting the overall mission, vision, values, principles and objectives for the organization.


The manager of the top team is a critical stakeholder for the Architecture Description of the Organization. This manager leads the top team to identify the purpose of the organisation and the boundary with the environment.


This manager may be the CEO, Managing Director, or a manager of a part of the organization or a manager of a single team depending upon the identified boundary.


In general, this manager is the sponsor, SRO or other role for the creation of the architecture description (or a management system).